Friday, September 2, 2016

Week 3!!!

I can not believe that we are already going into the third week of school.
This week we will continue with Wonder on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we should be finished by Wednesday. You will have your mini-assessment on Thursday. On Friday we will start with The Witch of Blackbird Pond.

University T-Shirt Money due Friday 9-9-16
Start bringing in $6.00 for To Kill a Mockingbird, if you would like for me to order it for you
Parent Meeting will be held on  Wednesday 9-7-16 at the Paco Zarate 
Several of you did not turn in your journals, they are due on Fridays, points will be taken off for not being turned in on time


  1. miss what will my grade be if i turn in the journals monday?

    1. The highest grade you could get is a 90 if they are turned in on Monday
